On November 8, at the hotel Oasis, the personnel of Batumi Botanical hosted distinguished colleagues and partners from rather authoritative and botanical gardens and universities – Eberhard Fischer, Andreas Greogs and Volfra Mlobin, having continues cooperation with Batumi Botanical garden during the last 20 years and their contribution being rather big in the striving for transition to the European model of the Garden development.
Results of this cooperation have been reflected in development and accomplishment of such significant programs, as formation of the strategic plans of the garden, live collections of the plants, management of the seeds and herbarium foundations, survey of the local flora, development of international relations.
''First of all, let me allow to congratulate on 106 anniversary from establishment of Batumi Botanical Garden, being celebrated on the 3rd of November''.
Century-long history of existence of Batumi Botanical Garden, its century-long history of existence, all development phases has always been in the focus of wide society since the day of its foundation.
My colleagues would agree with me that the end of XX century (last decade of 90s) and beginning of XXI century (including nowadays) has been one of the most distinguished stages in the history of Batumi Botanical Garden and we value it as the period for big changes and challenges, as the period of introducing and launching international standards in the garden activity'', noted the Director of Batumi Botanical Garden in his welcome speech, thanking European Colleagues for their support and contribution to the Garden during the last two decades. Their support towards formation and implementation of the concept of Goderdzi Alpine Garden is particularly huge.
During the business meeting, a particular focus was attached to this multi-year cooperation results.
The guests presented presentation of a new rather significant survey ''Illustrated Field Book of Georgian Flora'', in development of which together with other Botanical Gardens of Georgia, Botanical Institutions and Universities, Batumi Botanical garden and its personnel were actively involved.
The book, including ¼ of Georgian flora (1200 species), was published with the financial support of GIZ and will be granted to Georgian scientific-research institutions, botanical gardens and organization.
Presentation of the book, together with scientific staff of Batumi Botanical Garden was also attend by the academia of Shota Rustaveli Batumi State University and the Western Georgia coordinator of the Caucasus Alliance Program, Lela Phutkaradze.